Filing a Property Tax Appeal in Kansas
According to the National Taxpayers Union, approximately 40% of tax appeals in the U.S. result in a reduction. That’s because ad valoreum valuation and assessment systems are an inexact science
and county appraisers are prone to mistakes just like anyone else. If you are appealing the valuation or classification assigned by your local county appraiser, you will need to file Equalization Appeal Forms (provided by your county appraiser along with the county’s hearing result letter) and a Payment Under Protest Form. A filing fee is assessed for property tax appeals except those involving single-family residential properties.
A Wichita property attorney can help with your property tax appeal, including informal appeals at county-level and state appeals. As the former Chairman of the Kansas Real Estate Appraisal Board, property attorney Scott B. Poor has the skill set and knowledge to make sure that your property’s valuation and assessment is fair.